Welcome To The Real World Now
Let's Move Along Just To Make It Through
Vany Naura | Funnynaura, currently on senior year of high school
| Student | Writer | Music Listener | Procrastinator | Omnivore | Uncreative Artist | reivent[dot]vany[at]yahoo[dot]com they[dot]need[dot]them[at]live[dot]com vany[dot]naura[at]gmail[dot]com Tagboard
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Sunday, April 29, 2012
April twenty fifth two thousand and twelve.
Sometimes I still can't believe I survived 17.
I guess there will be so many changes on me this year.
Hopefully those won't be anything bad. Hopefully I will stop disappoint people with how I am.
This year gonna be a long one.
Labels: Events, Happy Birthday, Hello, resolutions, Vany Naura, wishes Sunday, March 25, 2012
My Biggest Problem:
yep yep yep. Btw, hi. Physics and Mandarin exams tomorrow, will be following by TOEFL test before I'm going to have a kinda peaceful Monday. Please just wish me luck. That's the only thing I need for now on. Labels: Blogger, FYI, Hello, School Stuffs, Vany Naura, wishes Saturday, February 18, 2012
Soundtrack Of The Day
You'd tell me I'm different Since the last time you called me out I'd put you down I'd tell you it's a waste of time To keep you by my side If you were still around I swear We would sit and stare We would be nowhere And to this day I look for what it's gonna take To just let things be Still today, I wonder is it You or me who should feel guilty? I'm pulling I'm pushing I'm putting it Out of my mind Thought that I had said Goodbye If you were still around You would tell me that you're sorry But you don't know what you're sorry about I'd keep to myself Keep you guessing Make you question if it's ever gonna work itself out It still haunts me Yeah, it still haunts me Yeah, it still haunts me Labels: Entertainment Stuffs, Events, Galau, Indonesia, Jakarta, Music, Vany Naura, VersaEmerge, You Me At Six Saturday, December 31, 2011
Review: Year Two-O-Eleven
It's December 30th, only two days left before year 2012. This year has been so great for me, many things happened, I couldn't just forget them since every little thing happened this year has made me become someone (I wish) better than before. So, let's review this year, start from January 2011. Not many special things happened in January, except that my class became the Ceremony Flag officers on the last day of January 2011. I was the protocol and was really glad that my voice wasn't heard like a baby--as my friends said. February 2011, my Saman dance club had to perform for a school event where no one but school officials coming. I hated that time because it was a big struggle for me to practice for the performance (I almost had to skip this because my left foot got injured two weeks before the day.) but no one seemed that excited to watch us. It hurt so bad, honestly. But whatever, because a week later, I was so proud of my juniors that they showed a very good performance of Saman dance for another school event. That was their very first performance, btw. Go on March 2011, Earth Hour 2011 was held on March 26th when I spent my dark night talking on the phone with my friends Lois. This blog was also closed for a day as I changed the layout onto a special one, thanks Kak Uchie for making the layout! April 2011! I was finally 17 years old this month! Ahaha. Too many things happened here. Started from how I tried my best to keep on working for an event held by Rohis Metana. How I crashed a surprise plan for my birthday (I'm so sorry, but you guys don't have to be that mad at me, tho.), and how I finally had a gut to ask for permission to go to ARTTM's concert and, voila, I got it! Also I won't forget my observation trip to the embassy of The Kingdom of Belgium. That was the best one-day observation trip ever because, well, it's worth it to get the best thing after doing so much struggle. So much stress we got while preparing for this but finally, the score we got was excellent. I could say that May 2011 was the most memorable month of 2011. My bestie, Amelia, gave a late birthday present for me and it's a The Downtown Fiction meet and greet! She got it from Rexona, the main sponsor for the concert and because she gave her ticket for me, I also got a chance to stay in a hotel for three days and meet some new friends who were also the winner of Rexona's contest. The meet and greet was UBER GREAT! TDF in persons are really nice and funny. I was so glad that they accepted my presents (and even their bassist used a necklace from me for several months). I actually also gave some presents to A Rocket To The Moon. If you watched their video update about Indonesia, there you'd find my batik fedora, the one that Andrew wore on the bus. Well, the concert itself was a big WOW for me. The bands that were playing were so great, I love them all, and the crowd were really crazy. I could just be dead now if I didn't get out from the crowd, the girls were too crazy if it happened to cool and gorgeous band dudes. June 2011. Final exams, then Tafakur Alam, then holiday! I went to Bandung for a vacation with my close friends. We visited ITB and some more places. Those four days were a great memory for us that made us getting closer until now. July 2011 started with a new relationship with someone I met at TDF concert last May. A week later, my senior year begun. I almost got Mayday Parade as my last concert (Jakcloth, July 2011) but too bad my dad came to pick me right when the band almost played. Sad Vany was sad. August 2011, my first time not joining flag ceremony on August 17th. Haha. August was also Ramadhan month, all Moslems had to fasting. Thanked Allah, my Ramadhan was full of blessings :) September 2011 was really not my month! Panic! At The Disco came here for the second time but again, I couldn't go to their concert because I already made a commitment with my Dad about no concerts until graduation. My life sucks, I know. October 2011 was sad. The "demissioner" of OSIS Dhira Tasthiva Balavat Kama happened in this month. Marco Simoncelli was dead after a serious accident during Malaysian Grand Prix. Too much tears fell this month. November 2011. I broke up. Okay that's not a good thing to share. Eid Al-Adha was held this month and I got my tummy fulled by so many foods--even though there's no difference on my weight. Okay. December 2011. Well, so many events were held this month. BKUI, then final exams. I need to tell ya that even though I don't celebrate Christmas, I still got the best Christmas present ever this year! My Pioneer album arrived right on Christmas and I got a signed letter from The Maine which is lovely. That's all. Phew. This post need revision, I know. I'll do it next year, okay? Happy new year everyone! See you again later! Labels: A Rocket To The Moon, Blogger, Earth Hour, Entertainment Stuffs, Events, Friends, Hey Monday, Holiday, Panic At The Disco, Review, School Stuffs, The Downtown Fiction, The Maine, Vany Naura Thursday, December 29, 2011
Transjakarta Busway
So I went to Senayan City to meet half of my #PartyKids and to buy some books I need to read during this holiday. Then, I went home by using Transjakarta bus. It's been a really long time since the last time I used this transportation system and when I used it today, I realized there are so many improves they made on this system. Nah, since this post is so Indonesian, I'm going to write it in Bahasa Indonesia *** Perubahan pertama yang gue liat di sistem bus Transjakarta ini adalah adanya pembagian area antara wanita dan pria. Jadi yang pria harus duduk/berdiri di bagian belakang bis sementara yang wanita (dan anak-anak) duduk/berdiri di bagian depan bis. Nanti di bis nya ada stikernya gini nih: Tapi sepertinya peraturan ini hanya berlaku di koridor yang mengarah ke Jakarta Pusat dan sekitarnya. Well, tadi sih gue cuma lewat koridor yang dari Senayan-Dutas trus Dutas-Matraman abis itu Matraman-Kp. Melayu. Nah, Senayan sampai Matraman masih berlaku tuh pemisahan antrian. Giliran naik ke arah Kampung Melayu.. Bah! udah ramenya keterlaluan, desek-desekannya lebih parah daripada pas di Dukuh Atas, gaada pemisahan juga. Semua orang, berbeda gender dan usia, kumpul di satu area tanpa ada pemisahan bahkan toleransi untuk yang baru naik. Lebih parahnya halte Matraman--tepatnya yang di depannya 711 Matraman--ini, orang-orangnya ngga tau harus antri dimana. Well, it might happen in every shelter. Kalo diperhatiin, di setiap halte busway itu ada beberapa pintu yang ditempel stiker ini: Tadi gue antri di belakang pintu yang ada stiker itu, tapi di belakang gue ada cowok yang asik ngantri sambil sms-an. Kalo di Dukuh Atas sih gue wajar ya, tiga koridor lewat di halte sesempit itu, pasti susah ngatur pembagian laki-laki perempuannya karena jumlahnya pasti gak akan seimbang. Tapi kalo Matraman? Pengen banget gue sindir 'Mas, bisa baca aturannya ngga?' Perubahan yang kedua, kalo tadi gue perhatiin, sekarang petugas (bisa kita sebut kenek, mungkin?) busnya banyak yang perempuan, ada yang berjilbab juga. Well, bagus lah ya, penyetaraan gender, we could say. Selain 'penyetaraan gender' ini, sekarang petugas Transjakarta juga lebih galak. I swear! Gue ngerasa kayak lagi di MOS jaman baru masuk SMA dulu. Petugasnya itu teriak-teriak ngasih tau harus antri yang rapi lah, ini lah, itu lah, tapi nada teriaknya bener-bener nyuruh ala kakak OSIS lagi nge-MOS. Tadi di Dukuh Atas ada om petugas yang bilang gini: 'Kalo mau ke Matraman, naik lagi ke atas! Antri dong yang bener! Orang tua aja bisa disuruh antri!' Wow, dude, wow. Gue sih ga tersinggung ya, soalnya tadi gue emang iseng ke bawah daripada berdiri doang. Cuma kan, ya jangan mentang-mentang Anda udah tua trus jadi seenaknya ngomong gitu ke yang lebih muda dong, Om. Kalo gue jadi orang tua nya sih gue bakal bilang kalo gue antri karena inisiatif gue, bukan karena disuruh orang, apalagi orangnya sambil teriak-teriak ngga santai. Malu dong kalo ngantri aja masih disuruh^^ Terus tadi di Matraman juga mbak-mbak kenek bus nya teriak gini: `geser ya geser ke dalam! Yang baru masuk langsung geser jangan ngegerombol di depan pintu! Kasih jalan buat yang lain, jangan egois!` Another wow. Like, WOW. Kalo mau tau, teriakan sama muka mbaknya persis banget sama OSIS angkatan atas sekolah gue. Gue langsung punya pikiran kalo orang yang di-hire untuk kerja di halte bus Transjakarta haruslah orang yang pas jaman sekolah atau kuliah pernah nge-MOS atau nge-OSPEK adek kelasnya. Lebih parahnya, ngediklat capsis (calon pengurus osis) juga. Wow. Maksud gue.. yaampun om, tante, teriak sih teriak, ngasih tau sih ngasih tau, tapi yang sopan dong. Kita (at least, gue) juga bakal ikutin kata-katanya kalo ngomongnya baik-baik kok. Teriak kan ga berarti jadi kasar gitu. Om tantenya tau kata tolong kan? Tau bedanya ngasih info sama marah-marah kan? Terakhir nih, tadi pas turun di Halte Kampung Melayu, gelap banget haltenya. Gue kira lagi mati lampu gitu padahal area di sekelilingnya terang benderang. Mungkin karena haltenya sekarang jadi gede ya, lampu yang nyala cuma yang di halte baru. Iya, halte Kampung Melayu diperbesar karena koridor yang baru, yang lewat kantor walikota Jakarta Timur itu, berhentinya di Kampung Melayu. Kapan-kapan ada yang mau nyobain naik busway koridor baru? Sama gue yuk yuk yuk! Well, okay, akhir dari post ini adalah, saya cuma pengen ngasih tau kalo saya seneng banget sama sistem bus Transjakarta ini, saya pengen bisa naik bus Transjakarta kemana-mana, saya pengen sistemnya tuh jadi teratur, rapi, enak di kita dan di yang punya perusahaan juga. Nah, untuk itu, kita ngga bisa cuma protes dan nyuruh orang Transjakartanya melakukan perbaikan dan perubahan doang kan. Kita juga harus taati peraturan yang mereka berikan, supaya semuanya tertib, bagus, enak dilihat, bisa dibanggain, dan tujuan untuk me-anti-macet-kan Jakarta itu bisa tercapai. Kalau ngga mulai dari kita sendiri, kitanya cuma protes doang, ngga bakal ada perubahan. Jadi nih semuanya, stiker di halte sama di bus dibaca baik-baik trus diikutin ya. Trus antri sendiri jangan nunggu om tante petugasnya teriak-teriak. Masuk busnya pelan-pelan, jangan dorong-dorongan, langsung cari tempat yang kosong dan sesuai pemisahannya. Kalau kita bisa begitu, Transjakarta ngga bakal kalah elite sama sistem transportasi di luar negeri loh! :) Sekian, terima kasih. Labels: Bahasa Indonesia, Blogger, FYI, Holiday, Indonesia, Jakarta, Review, Trip, Vany Naura Older |
When The World Comes Crashing Down
Who's Going To Party? |