Welcome To The Real World Now
Let's Move Along Just To Make It Through
Vany Naura | Funnynaura, currently on senior year of high school
| Student | Writer | Music Listener | Procrastinator | Omnivore | Uncreative Artist | reivent[dot]vany[at]yahoo[dot]com they[dot]need[dot]them[at]live[dot]com vany[dot]naura[at]gmail[dot]com Tagboard
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Saturday, January 29, 2011
So Is This Goodbye?
"I still don't have the reason, and you don't have the time And it really makes me wonder if I ever gave a thought about you.." .. "And you told me how you're feeling But I don't believe it's true Makes Me Wonder Maroon5 It Won't Be Soon Before Long Gotta catch them and ask them to sing me happy birthday this April ;) Labels: Entertainment Stuffs, Events, Love(?), Maroon5, Vany Naura, wishes Thursday, January 27, 2011
Choices To Choose, Never Been As Hard As This.
Thispost will be written in Bahasa Indonesia. This caused by my lack English right now. Well anyway.. I'm on dilemma. Gue. Lagi. Dilema. Jadi gini ceritanya. Gue ngerti yang namanya hidup itu harus pake pilihan. Pilihan itu kadang-kadang cuma 'Ya' atau 'Tidak'. Nah, buat gue, pilihan itu ada banyak. Bisa aja awalnya cuma 'mau' atau 'nggak'. Tapi lama-lama dari satu pilihan 'ya' atau 'tidak' itu bisa berkembang lagi ke pilihan-pilihan lainnya. Itulah otak gue yang sok bisa mikir banyak-banyak. Tiba-tiba langsung aja dateng banyak pilihan ke gue. Ujung-ujungnya gue jadi pusing sendiri. Sekarang ke permasalahannya. Pernah waktu itu bokap gue lagi berbaik hati ngebolehin gue backpacking ke Eropa pas lulus SMA. Beh, seneng dong? Gue bisa liburan dulu, bisa cari pengalaman dulu baru masuk kuliah belajar lagi. Lagipula, hal yang lo pelajarin waktu travelling bakal lebih banyak, lebih mudah dimengerti dan lebih berarti daripada lo duduk belajar di kelas. Otomatis gue iya-in lah. Tapi terus bokap bilang `kalo gitu cari uang dari sekarang, cari link buat 'numpang', kalo mau cari temen berangkat bareng atau berangkat aja sendiri.` Duh? Gue rasa ini nggak mungkin. Sekolah gue adalah model sekolah yang seneng 'nyimpen' anak muridnya lama-lama di sekolah. Belom termasuk tugas seabrek, ulangan, dan kewajiban bimbel untuk anak dengan otak pas-pasan macem gue. Waktu gue selama seminggu habis untuk sekolah. Begitupun duit jajan gue yang--ahem, ngga tralu banyak. Dan di Indonesia--tepatnya di daerah rumah gue, dimana ada part-time job untuk anak SMA? Kalo nyari link sih ya gampang, udah banyak kok forum-forum backpacker. Tinggal betulin cara komunikasi, ngomong baik-baik, insya Allah bisa diterima. Tapi duitnya ituloooh. Masa iya gue yang pergi sendiri bokap gue yang ngebayarin segala macem? Ga lucu kan? Selain itu, gue punya firasat kalo masuk kuliah pas jaman gue dan seterusnya bakal lebih sulit dari sekarang. Kalo misalnya gue jalan-jalan dulu, dan tetep pengen masuk PTN, agaknya itu sulit. Kecuali ya gue pengen kuliah di luar dimana itu juga ngga gampang. Yah, pokoknya ada more and less nya deh. Nah, gimana gue ga dilema? Ujungnya sih, setelah mikir-mikir, gue udah bikin 3 pilihan pasti yang harus cepet gue putusin. Walaupun yah, sampe sekarang gue masih bingung. Dua pilihan itu adalah:
Udah ada 3 pilihan, tapi masih banyak dilemanya. Menurut lo, enakan gimana ya? :| Oh anyway, ada lomba blog dari Canada Education Services International. Ikutan ga ya? Ada yang ikut kah? Labels: Bahasa Indonesia, Blogger, FYI, The Downtown Fiction, Vany Naura Monday, January 3, 2011
How Old Am I, Really?
It's first day of school and we had to attend a flag ceremony before going to class. Right when I arrived at my row, Filzah gave me that meeting invitation from my Rohis leader, Faishal. There's nothing special about the invitation, though. But that pink marker he used and that <3 sign beside his name, I wonder what he was thinking while making the invitation. He was such a sweetheart (in Indonesian I said him as an 'unyu' boy lol), haha, I mean it. Well, by that 'unyu' invitation, I'll ask my Tatra leader so I can join both Saman practice and Rohis meeting tomorrow. Thank you for that cutie invitation, Ishal :) Anyway, Something has been stuck on my head through this day. Well, I know I shouldn't keep that on mind but it's just coming and coming. To make it worse, my friends were talking about the same thing all the 2nd break time. I couldn't stop thinking about that as I made a little survey at twitter, and seemed like everyone was agreed with my friends. Damn, why does the world hate me? What? You curious about that? Read the spoiler then ;) I gotta go now, I'm kind of hungry and have to prepare things for tomorrow. Thanks for the time, peeps! Cya! Labels: Friends, Love(?), School Stuffs, Vany Naura Sunday, January 2, 2011
#2011wishes #2011resolutions
Happy New Year!!! This is my first post in 2011, my first post after that ICT task last semester, my first post talking as Vany Naura and--damn--my last post before school starts tomorrow. Yes. School starts tomorrow. Sucks? I know. Anyway, I was going to post some 2010 memories I had with everyone, but, hey, it's 2011 already! I'm now going to start a new life, I better one, I hope. And with the expectation of better life, I did make some resolutions and wishes. Let's see the wishes and resolutions and see if I can make them this year :) #2011wishes:
What do you think? Do we have same wishes or resolutions? :) Labels: A Rocket To The Moon, Entertainment Stuffs, Events, Friends, Hey Monday, resolutions, Review, The Downtown Fiction, Vany Naura, wishes Newer Older |
When The World Comes Crashing Down
Who's Going To Party? |